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Now that you have accepted an offer, it’s time to get ready for your onboarding! This is an exciting time, and we understand you are a bit nervous. The working world differs in many ways but don’t worry, we’ll walk with you so you can adapt quickly.

Here are few tips to help you adapt into your new role;

Arrive on time

Be on time — even if it means setting two alarms. Show commitment. Extra effort now can go a long way.

Know the code

Read the employee manual. Don't understand something? Your line manager is there to assist you.

Ask questions

It is impossible to know everything right away. Reach out to your line manager for help if you are unclear on deliverables and/or expectations.

Remain open

You will be exposed to a range of new ideas when starting out. Be open. Rockledge value adaptive talent.

Seek extra responsibility

A great way to get noticed is to raise your hand. However, don't bite more than you can chew